Smart Home Experience
in Your Workplace

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Location & Condition-Aware Information At Your Fingertips

Workplace Safety
Workplace Security
Live Occupancy
Workplace Experience
Workplace Employee Experience
Building Services

Contact Tracing (Covid-19)

Leverages location data to monitor, detect, prevent, and control the virus spread by identifying likely infection chains early on, ensuring the health and emotional well-being of employees and visitors

Decrease Employee & Visitor Anxiety

Equip your visitors and employees with wearable lanyards or smart badges to prevent them from accessing infected areas.

Control the Virus Spread In Your Facility

Securely monitor infected individuals and their real-time and historical interactions with others anonymously.

Reduce the External Costs of False Testing

Monitor Exposure-Risk-Ranking contact tracing reports, so that protected HR users can quickly notify those who have been infected.

Evacuation & Mustering

Help emergency coordinators who want to increase the safety of buildings by creating digitally visible and automated mustering workflows.

Respond Faster to Emergency Events

Minimize the time it takes to get a complete picture of the situation in case of an evacuation event.

Create a Safer Workplace

Automate the count and identification of the locations of staff and visitors.

Increase Safety

Minimize the time first responders need to find and rescue trapped or injured people

Staff Duress

Create a safer workplace environment with distress alerts to ensure immediate and effective response to staff duress situations.

Respond Faster to Alerts

Notify security staff with information about emergency locations.

Decrease Risk of Duress Events

Use analytics and location data to understand which areas are prone to incidents of abuse.

Create Safer Workplace

Increase staff sense of safety by equipping them with Staff Duress Badges.

Invisible Tab

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Visitor Tracking

Enhances security management by delivering a consistent process that streamlines real-time visitor tracking, while continuing to deliver on safety, security and compliance.

Protect Confidential Data

Minimize the likelihood of an event in which a visitor is exposed or gains access to confidential information from the company, e.g. gets access to customer names or product roadmaps.

Increase Security

Minimize the likelihood of an event in which a visitor deviates from his path or in which an escorted visitor is left alone.

Eliminate Manual Paperwork

Stop filling out logs manually. Download the daily, weekly or monthly CSV reports which are automatically generated in the system.

Invisible Tab

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Invisible tab

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Meeting Room Management

Optimize real estate space with data by improving facility floor planning around the right number and type of meeting rooms.

Increase Employee Satisfaction

Minimize the number of meeting room-related complaints facility management receives from employees with real-time occupancy data and historical analytics.

Improve Productivity

Minimize the time it takes to settle a dispute about the number of meeting rooms available.

Optimize the Facility Space

Adapt the meeting room size to the typical requirements of the organization.

Building & Floor Plan Occupancy

With the rising cost of real-estate you need to understand how your space is being used. Real-time location data can help optimize real estate space by improving facility planning on the basis of occupancy and GSF/employee KPIs.

Understand How Space is Being Used

See how much time is spent in productive vs. non-productive areas, represented in a condensed KPI, e.g. an “creativity/productivity index”.

Optimize Space Based on Traffic

Decrease the size of a facility if target occupancy is not met by reducing floors rented.

Increase Employee Satisfaction Score

Understanding the path and trends of paths people take within buildings allows for incredible advantages in real-estate planning, workforce productivity and more

Invisible Tab

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Deliver a better experience and increase efficiency by providing your employees and visitors with step-by-step instructions to their destinations.

Boost Employee & Visitor Visitor Experience

Improve orientation inside your building and easily navigate your employees and visitors to designated rooms to increase their comfort.

Increase Efficiency

Provide your employees and visitors with turn-by-turn navigation, allowing them to take the shortest route to their destination.

Temperature Comfort Level (happiness heatmap)

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Meet a friend

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Automate Compliance Monitoring

Access real-time and historical location and condition monitoring data anytime.

Ensure The Quality of Medicines

Decrease risks to patient health. Receive alerts in case of temperatures of stored medicines going out of range.

Eliminate Manual Paperwork

Stop filling out logs manually. Download the daily, weekly or monthly CSV reports which are automatically generated in the system.

Restroom Maintenance

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Feed / Temp

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Environmental Monitoring


Automate Compliance Monitoring

Access real-time and historical location and condition monitoring data anytime.

Ensure The Quality of Medicines

Decrease risks to patient health. Receive alerts in case of temperatures of stored medicines going out of range.

Eliminate Manual Paperwork

Stop filling out logs manually. Download the daily, weekly or monthly CSV reports which are automatically generated in the system.

Motion Sensing for Light Fixture

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Energy Management

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Power Management

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Streamlining Location Services, With

Ready to Use

Bridging OT applications over IT network, reducing costs and time to value.

Open & Fair

Radical interoperability with open and secure enterprise applications.

People Focused

Empowering individuals with mission-critical solution design, at an internet-scale.

Make Your Building Smarter

Try our products today


The COVID-19 outbreak has highlighted the need to apply connected infrastructures into buildings to reopen safely and reduce employee and visitor anxiety. & Domo have teamed up to solve one of the main challenges corporate real-estate faces in 2020.
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Selecting the right beacon for your deployment is one of the early steps in the process and has a significant effect on the future performance and possibilities of the network you create.
In today's world, the constant advancements in technology help to add a whole new level of convenience and efficiency into our everyday lives. For years, many companies have been utilizing the new technology to make their offices run more smoothly. But office buildings are not the only ones that can benefit from using advanced technology […]
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