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Smart Badge
Smart Badge
Smart Badge
Smart Badge
IR receiver for room-level certainty
4 Year battery life
Temperature sensor
Bluetooth Low Energy
2 Buttons

Personnel badge that can do more.

When we designed the Smart Badge we wanted to upgrade standard, legacy personnel badges and make them simpler, and better.

We designed the Smart Badge in the form of a holder so that you don’t have to carry your standard ISO ID card and a smart badge on top of that. Instead of giving you an additional device we equip you just with a Smart Badge holder where you can slip in your ID card and instantly enable contact tracing, panic buttons, location tracking, access control, and more.

Smart Badge. The way it should be.

IR Room-Level Certainty

Smart Badge is equipped with an IR receiver signal that doesn’t penetrate the walls allowing for room-level granular accuracy. Making sure that you know the right location when accuracy matters the most.

Smart Badge.
The way it should be.

IR Room-Level Certainty

Smart Badge is equipped with an IR receiver signal that doesn’t penetrate the walls allowing for room-level granular accuracy. Making sure that you know the right location when accuracy matters the most.

Tracking & Managing Visitors Flow

Make your workplace smarter and safer by pairing your visitors with hosts, making sure no one is left in an unattended area. Smart Badge allows you to alert security staff if someone enters a hazardous or restricted area.

Mastering Muster Evacuations

Quickly locate people carrying Smart Badges in muster/evacuation areas, know how many people and exactly who is missing, and where they are inside the building.

Duress Calling At Your Fingertip

Smart Badge is equipped with two programmable call buttons, red and blue, making an immediate and effective response to staff duress situations.

Identify and locate who exactly is calling for help and from where.

Instantly notify nurse station, security or plan manager about emergency situation.

Up to 4 years
battery life
Up to 4 years
battery life

New era of smart workplaces is here.

And you are closer than you think.

Smart Badge

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Smart Badge

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